IPEN aims to help support the development of permaculture education systems internationally.
This IPEN platform makes permaculture education resources more easy to access and share, translated, making them able to adapted to your local context, and be used by a global teaching and learning audience.
IPEN is keen to encourage national permaculture associations and networks to collaborate, with the aim of expanding and accelerating the growth and development of permaculture education in:
- national and regional permaculture education systems
- demonstration and training projects that deliver permaculture education.
The main beneficiaries from developing permaculture education systems are learners, educators and permaculture pioneers. There is a major need to develop these systems for situations and cultures where the main language is not English.
IPEN does not currently have resources for activities beyond maintaining this website. As well as collating the resources available here, past activities have included:
- creating IPEN / Lush Spring Prize Case Studies for outstanding permaculture and regenerative projects, which are available on through the IPEN Resources webpages and via the Lush Spring Prize website;
- initiating the iACT European partnership project to create guidance and an online support for permaculture and regenerative learning and demonstration projects, such as LAND Centres. To see the iACT resource and outputs see the the iACT & LAND Centres Handbook and the iACT resources webpages
- being a partner with Cultivate (Ireland) to initiate the Community Climate Coaches European partnership project which is now being taken forward in the UK and four other European countries to establish a vocation for supporting communities to develop community climate action and resilience plans
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