IPEN is working to increase beneficial collaboration and cross-pollination in the development of permaculture education systems internationally.
To achieve this IPEN is building an international network and platform to enable permaculture education resources to be more easily shared, translated, accessed, enriched and adopted by a global teaching and learning audience.
IPEN is also keen to participate in collaborative (e.g. with national permaculture associations and networks), with the aim of expanding and accelerating the growth and development of permaculture education on the ground for tutors, in national and regional permaculture education systems, and within demonstration projects that deliver permaculture education.
The main beneficiaries from IPEN’s activities are learners, educators and permaculture pioneers, particularly those whose main language is not English.
To understand more about IPEN please see Current Activities, for our goals in 2019/21 please go to IPEN Strategy, and for how we work, collaborate and communicate please look through the other sub-heading within this About section of this website.