IPEN is a partner in the 52 Climate Actions project, launched in July 2019 – further refinements and additions to this excellent project and its website are intended in the future. The focus of 52 Climate Actions (52CA) is on stepping up the level of action on climate change within high impact ‘western’ lifestyles and communities that are responsible for the majority of climate impacts.
IPEN has developed a set of resources to support those involved in Climate Action Training and Education, particularly for community-led climate action programmes, as below:
Climate Actions Session Plan Tutor-Facilitator Notes (PDF link)
We hope to develop these resources further, which include draft Session Plans for climate action training, and supporting notes for tutors / facilitators – and have made the above resources available for others to use and adapt as they wish.
The 52CA project has selected 52 significant and do-able climate actions that people can do at home, in their communities or beyond, and make these attractive to people who want to take personal and community action on climate change, and to push for more action from government and business.
IPEN’s role has been to draft an outline for introductory Climate Action Training. This is going to be piloted in 2019/2020 in South Australia alongside Retrosuburbia training and events. We are keen to work with others to see this training piloted and rolled out elsewhere.
The 52 Climate Actions team is currently seeking funding to take the project further in 2019 and beyond to expand its positive impacts as widely as possible.