Youth in Permaculture

This is an inspiring new project aiming to support and engage young people in permaculture.

Encouraged by Children in Permaculture (CIP), several young people involved in permaculture, and various leaders in the permaculture community, have formed to create a diverse team from eight countries in Europe and many organisations to begin to build this exciting project.

YIP is a new initiative to support and empower youths and young adults to create resilient, fulfilling and fun lives inspired by permaculture. Part of YiP’s mission is to provide youths and supporters with useful resources, tools, opportunities, and networks as well as updates on youth projects, and provide a platform for youth voices.

Although YiP has started in Europe it is relevant for every continent, global region, country and region to develop and strengthen it’s young people involved permaculture – and for young people to take the lead in making this happen wherever possible.

For more information see Youth in Permaculture – and you can check out YiP’s extensive and useful list of Resources here.

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