Permagarden Technical Manual – produced by the TOPS (Technical and Operational Performance Support) programme of USAID.
“The permagarden method combines permaculture and bio-intensive agriculture
to create a highly productive garden using a small amount of land. It is designed
to work in both the rainy and dry seasons and is an approach to home gardens
that improves soil fertility, water management, and inputs to produce nutritious
crops year-round. The method shows how farmers around the world with only
a small amount of land can produce food throughout the year by learning the
natural principles behind proper gardening and matching those principles to
basic practices. The permagarden method is designed to empower gardeners to
use local resources to overcome challenges in the garden; it is a simple solution
that can bring resilience to each household, one small adjustment at a time.
This manual serves as a key resource for development practitioners working with
farmers to help them incorporate permagardens into their farming systems.“
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